Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Dan Wasserman

Good morning
Did you enjoy the Dan Wasserman assembly yesterday?


  1. I enjoyed it but did not get all the references that were presented because the politicians were a little dated. However, I thought it was interesting from an artistic perspective because it is a talent to execute the art and language in a small space.

  2. I enjoy it and learn many things from it. I love how political cartoon express political and social trend in a creative and humorous manner. Creating a good political catoon is complicated. They first need to come up with grahpic idea that will be part of the illustration. Then they do a lot of sketches and start inking the drawing and coloring by computer. Multiple drafts is needed. It reminds me that a successful artwork cannot be finished at one time, but require great perseverance and continuous improvement. I am also impressed by Dan Wasserman's drawing with the software.

  3. I really enjoyed learning and watching Dan Wasserman work. Although I did not understand all of his political cartoons I found his presentation very intriguing and cool and decided that I am going to check out his political cartoon book and try to create a cartoon of my own.

  4. I specifically enjoyed learning about the process of making a political cartoon. I thought it was interesting to see how many drafts it takes to make a political cartoon and how much work it takes to create one.
