Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Talia's art process

Recently I am inspired by colors and textures in magazines. I've never been a collage person but I decided to try it out and I think the black paper compliments the mixture of colors very well.  I used china marker in the first work to create the outline and flow of the piece. I wanted both works to feel natural and have a sort of gracefull movement to them. In the future I would like to do more complex designs using this collage technique because I don't feel totally satisfied with what I've presented so far.

Talia, I would check out the works of these artist using text. I think they are inspirational.

Talia's inspired beast project
Cubist sculpture

This anchor was taken off of my boat after it caught on a chain underwater and toar one of the blades. I've wanted to design a painting on this for awhile and I decided this cubism project would offer a great oppotrunity to design an interesting geometric pattern that flows with the anchor's structure. The colors I chose are meant to go with the nautical theme. The shapes vary in size and gradiation in order to contrast the blue background and/or contrast other shapes.

1 comment:

  1. You implement a really elegant interaction between color and shape. I especially like the oranges and browns right next to the blues and whites. I think it would be interesting if you tried using white paint or ink in the uppermost piece? It would give sharper lines. But it is your piece so don't do it unless you want to.
