Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Anna's process page


  1. Excellent use of mark-making with the paint. I love the mark-making contrast between the foreground and the trees. Consider the bright leaves that are closer to the trees to be more muted. This is because the trees should cast a shadow on the leaves. Maybe mix some complements for the shadows.

    Ms. Hom-Mandell

  2. Great touch with your watercolors, starting very lightly and slowly building them up. Right now the monster blobs have a very dreamy quality to them.

    For your landscape, please let me know which one you decided to work on.

  3. Your work is absolutely beautiful. The monster blogs have a minimalist pen work which really adds to the grace of your figures. Although you scrapped the birch trees piece, the orange and whites of the bark formed a lovely light contrast. Your newer painting piece of the meadow has rich colors and texture. Adding just a little more contrast will further enhance your diligent work!

  4. Your work is absolutely beautiful. The monster blogs have a minimalist pen work which really adds to the grace of your figures. Although you scrapped the birch trees piece, the orange and whites of the bark formed a lovely light contrast. Your newer painting piece of the meadow has rich colors and texture. Adding just a little more contrast will further enhance your diligent work!

  5. The monster blobs, especially the light blue one make it kind of feel like they were real life creatures that you painted, they're very fluid and graceful. Its really cool that you're able to see these creatures in the blobs and I hope you do more of them in the future :)

  6. I love the shapes of the white paper for the white on black sculpture! they are so fragile and dainty they work perfectly with the blocky black thick paper
